Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why don't guys want to date me?

I don't get it. By all means, not to sound too pretentious, I'm a great guy! I'm 20, 5'11, 210lbs, hazel eyes, brown hair. I work full time and make great money for someone my age, am very involved in several community theatre programs, and I love kids and hold fundraisers for charities that are children-based like St. Judes. All my girlfriends (friends who are girls) tell me I'm "so cute" and "adorable" and even sometimes "sexy", yet I can not seem to find a guy who concurs. I have never been in a REAL relationship, and by "real" I mean lasting longer than one week.

What am I doing wrong?

Why don't guys want to date me?

It sounds like you have everything going for you in terms of lifestyle, looks, work ethics etc. Maybe what you should do is wait for that person to find you. yeah I know it sounds hard but good things truly do come to those who wait. You are involved in the community which is a great way to meet people, but you can also find someone in venues that cater to your lifestyle as well.

My advice, no matter if you were to date males or females, is just to be yourself, wait to elevate the relationship to a further level until you are completely comfortable in it (which really isnt a week to be honest), or take your time in it. Meet others with similar interests and dont just "settle" for someone because they find you attractive.

I found it helpful to write a list of what I wanted in a partner and everytime I net someone if they did not match those things (or at least majority of them) then they were not the one for me. What thatr means is that you write down the qualities of the person. Do you want them to be down to earth, financially stable, responsible, religious, whatever. Put the list somewhere safe and when you meet someone, take it out when you are alone and question yourself on is that person really the one for you and does he match you?

good luck hon!

Why don't guys want to date me?

You can be cute and adorable to women and be unattractive to men. UIsually when women say a gay man is cute and adorable its cause you are not. So they treat you like one of the girls. You must be quite effeminate?

Why don't guys want to date me?

We don't expect to reach the bottom,but with you we can't even touch the sides !!

Why don't guys want to date me?

Why don't you just go out with the girls who think you are sexy...

Why don't guys want to date me?

maybe u scare them, that happens to the girls too, when they look so perfect guys are a lil afraid to approach em, maybe u need to make the first step to let them know u r just a nice guy looking for lov :D

Why don't guys want to date me?

you nave not yet found,the right partner for you,don't worry,the right 1,will come along

Why don't guys want to date me?

Maybe you are not sending out the right know how to flirt right?.....Gotta get out there...I know alot of girls who wish there were straight guys like you!!!!

Why don't guys want to date me?

Hold out on the sex longer than a week.

Why don't guys want to date me?

maybe you make guys feel intimidated with your looks. some people never look twice at a hottie because they think they aren't good enough, then you get the people who like to say "ooo yes i've had him" hence your week long fling is over. you need more down to earth male friends, and network them for thier friends and so on, you'll be bound to find your special someone :c)

Why don't guys want to date me?

Not all guys are gay. Find a "gay bar" if the 'net doesn't work-good luck.

Why don't guys want to date me?

Presumably you are gay, writing here. A lot of gay men are just after one thing - I have a few gay friends and know what it can be like. Don't stress about it too much; you will find a decent guy, but many people are too jaded and don't value kindness and consideration.

Why don't guys want to date me?

Maybe looking in all the wrong places. . . The right one will come along!!

Why don't guys want to date me?

you also have to keep in mind that MOST guys aren't homosexual and they don't even want to have anything to do with it.

Why don't guys want to date me?

But are you sincere and nice?

Why don't guys want to date me?

Honestly, I dont think its you, per say. I dont think you are doing anything wrong to cause this. What I think it is, is that you are choosing the wrong type of guy for you. I made that mistake for years and kept getting my heart broke. Maybe you need to re-evaluate what you are looking for in a man. Look for the qualities you want, and look beyond the physical. Never sell yourself short because some guy isnt able to see what a wonderful person you are inside. There is a man out there who will be able to see who you are and will love you for all that you are, all that you will be, and all that you'll be able to have together. Never give up hope or heart. Try posting a profile on a singles site and let him find you. Best of luck

Why don't guys want to date me?

How do you present yourself to your prospective dates? Once you have them (for that week) what goes on in your lives together? Do you work at these relationships? Have the guys whom you've dated ever fed back to you why it is they don't want to continue with you? Are you set upon dating unsuitable guys? Where do you meet them to pick them up?

I don't know you - even from your blurb, how can I comment?

Why don't guys want to date me?

you hold out on sex....are you ugly?

Why don't guys want to date me?

Um, you know, some people arent gay like you!

Why don't guys want to date me?

You just haven't found the right one yet. It will happen, probably when you least expect it to. Don't try too hard.

Why don't guys want to date me?

Where do you try to meet guys? You sound like an ok guy to me

Why don't guys want to date me?

It might have something to do with the fact that you're a man, I mean not a real man but you know... biologically you are.

Why don't guys want to date me?

Maybe this should be a wakeup call for you to be straight and by that I mean a real family, you know kids and a women. No offence. Seriously women will consider you more since you sound like a nice guy.

Why don't guys want to date me?

You're not looking in the right places. Try hanging out at parks, truck stops, road side rest areas and even men's public bathrooms after dark. Then when all the gay men become available. You shouldn't miss an opportunity like these! You might even meet George Michels!

Why don't guys want to date me?

Try a luck in Fitness center or even in a damn bar. But maybe you are quite choosy then you will end up like King of Nowhere. Move your butt and stop complaining,find ways,Mr. Gorgeous Guy. Or date me, i can handle you. hahahaha

Why don't guys want to date me?

Sorry, you sound quite nice, but a little self-obsessed.

Perhaps that's why people get turned off.

You are also a little overweight.

Perhaps you should work out a little and who knows you might meet somebody.

Why don't guys want to date me?

Your gay thats whats wrong.

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