Friday, November 13, 2009

Does black/dark brown hair look sexier than blonde hair???

No. Any color of hair can look sexy, but there are personal preferences. Some people like blondes better, some redheads... It's a personal thing.

Does black/dark brown hair look sexier than blonde hair???

blondes are way better Report It

Does black/dark brown hair look sexier than blonde hair???

eighter blonda or bunnette are the sexest

Does black/dark brown hair look sexier than blonde hair???

I think long dark hair is awesome. Blonde sometimes makes certain people look doofy or dumb. I have longish dark brown hair, and I think I look pretty cute, if I do say so myself.

Does black/dark brown hair look sexier than blonde hair???

hair color doesnt matter babe it is the person it is attatched to;being a hairdresser i know this, you can have the most beautiful hair but beauty comes from within

Does black/dark brown hair look sexier than blonde hair???

Any colour hair looks sexy, male or female, so long as it is kept clean, healthy and well maintained. p.s and it is how you can wear the colour too! :)

Does black/dark brown hair look sexier than blonde hair???

It's all in the eye of the beholder.

Does black/dark brown hair look sexier than blonde hair???

yes.i prefer black/dark brown hair, because look sexier and sweet,just my opinion

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