Friday, November 13, 2009

Its up to you.....tall? sexy?exc?

What dose your dream cutie look like,

(Guys,%26amp; girls)

Are they tall?, skinny?, Long hair, short hair?,Punk, preppy? sexy, mysterious?

Its up to you!

Its up to you.....tall? sexy?exc?

i like kja's answer. i'm agreeing with that. he's blonde, blue eyed, athletic, and genuine. too bad his friends are a bad influence, so i'd change that.

Its up to you.....tall? sexy?exc?

My dream guy looks just like my bf.

Its up to you.....tall? sexy?exc?

tall skinny wit curves medium hair preppy but kinda punk sexy

Its up to you.....tall? sexy?exc?

well I don't care if my guy ways 1,000,000 pounds,(it would be gross tho]:P)as long as he's nice that is all that is gonna matter! -good question!!!

Its up to you.....tall? sexy?exc?

tall skinny with tied up hair that warm and willing to try new things

Its up to you.....tall? sexy?exc?

average to tall height, long hair, average weight, loose, likes men

Its up to you.....tall? sexy?exc?

everyone is tall compared to me

i would settle for honest,kind,compassionate,romantic

Its up to you.....tall? sexy?exc?

I like an athletic girl, average height, nice, helpful, and long hair. Romantic and honest, too.

Its up to you.....tall? sexy?exc?


He's Tall, Dark (black ofcourse), handsome (to my standards), Had long hair (that I can braid), Kind of stocky but not in a Cave Man way and he's taller than me.

Other pluses is that he's VERY smart, very stable in terms of money/finance, has a temper but is EXTREMELY humble other wise and he's a rapper.

thats the man of my dreams and i HAVE HIM!

Its up to you.....tall? sexy?exc?

Its up to you.....tall? sexy?exc?

tall with long legs

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