Monday, November 16, 2009

Girl advertisments? Men advertisments?

People, rarely any man are in advertisments. Females are kicking my butt and I hate it. Its all "females" rather than the males...

Dont dare answer this females cause I know you will give me a buch of crap

Males, answer how you feel besides "Okay, or its sexy and attractive"

If that is the answer, its because of their fake body. Like, why they complain about the rain runing their hair and make up? Cause they dont want their "Mask with their fake body to fall off"

Girl advertisments? Men advertisments?

What was the question?

Girl advertisments? Men advertisments?


Girl advertisments? Men advertisments?

You pretty much got it.

But at the same time there's an association that women will get when watching these.

Lets say perfume or underwear. Subconsciously, they'll think if they buy it that they will look like that, or that sexy/good/whatever.

Now they may not consciously think that. But they'll fantasize about it and the subconscious knows no difference between reality and dreams/fantasy. The fact is, the association is now in their mind somewhere and may just influence them.

I've heard, but don't know for certain, that women make up a larger part of consumerism as far as shopping for stuff. So, if you're in marketing, you'll hit the female market much harder since it's bigger.

Girl advertisments? Men advertisments?

I recall the Diet Coke commercial where a buff man was drinking the cola and all the women ran to the window to check him out

Girl advertisments? Men advertisments?

Scan the magazines at a local newsstand. 95% of them have women on the cover- it doesn't matter if the magazine is for men or women. Why? Women relate to the woman on the cover, and may be interested in who she is, or how she is able to look like she does. Men like to have the girl on the cover for, duh, obvious reasons- to look at her. Most men don't want to look at dudes in their magazines. For those that do, they buy GQ or Details.

It's just society, don't take it so personally.

Girl advertisments? Men advertisments?

Advertising is about making money. And since women spend far more time paying attention to advertisements, and even more money shopping, it is in the best interests of the product and the advertising company to cater to that demographic. So you will see far more advertisements for women's products and, often, women in the advertisements.

Its not a conspiracy...this time...

Girl advertisments? Men advertisments?

There's a reason for this, and it's nothing to do with sex. During my college days, I learned through my Marketing class that women make about 80% of the buying decisions in their household, or have say in them.

People are most likely to identify with someone who is like them, and hence, more likely to identify with the product itself that is advertised with people that one can identify with.

(Of course for the ads geared towards men, it doesn't hurt to have a pretty woman advertising whatever they are trying to sell!)

Girl advertisments? Men advertisments?

huh what? im sorry..i was doing my nails...

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