Friday, November 13, 2009

Hey guys, if your special girl has long hair, how would you feel if she told you she plans to cut he

Say she wants to cut her long hair, to up above her shoulders, how would you respond? My long hair is past my shoulder blades about 3" and I feel I want to cut it short but my guy loves my long hair. I've heard guys feel long hair on a girl is sexier than short hair.

Hey guys, if your special girl has long hair, how would you feel if she told you she plans to cut her hair?

Well, I would ask her why. If I really like it that much and she is just tired of taking care of it, I would offer to help her with it.

But if you really, really wanna cut it, and he likes you for who you are, then it shouldn't matter.

Maybe if he wants you to keep it long, he should do something for yu??

Hey guys, if your special girl has long hair, how would you feel if she told you she plans to cut her hair?

it would not matter --- i love my lady for who she is

Hey guys, if your special girl has long hair, how would you feel if she told you she plans to cut her hair?

Then don't cut it, especially if your guy likes it long.

Hey guys, if your special girl has long hair, how would you feel if she told you she plans to cut her hair?

it totally depends what makes you happy. cute is cute to a guy that likes you for you. short or long shouldn't matter.

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