Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

i always thought short hair on girls looked cute (ive had mine short for quite some time)....but then again, i guess i dont count since i dont date girls. haha.

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

It really depends on the girl and the hair style. I've seen girls who had long hair and were gorgeous then cut it off and looked even better.

I tell ya one thing, that old lady just-rolled-out-of-bed permed mess is definately a non-starter.

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

I dont

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??


Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

I like short hair on you ladies.

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

b/c us girls with long hair are just plain makes us look more feminine

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

It all depends on the girl's face, build, proportions, etc. Sometimes long is really sexy, sometimes short is really sexy. It all depends.

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

Probably because then they have nothing to grab when kissing or other short stuff, boys think like that...but since I only date guys, I wouldnt know their opinion.

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

It depends on the girl. Some women can pull off short hair and some can't. I'm not biased, though, I just like women in general.

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

Because guys are attracked to things they don't have, breasts, booty, etc. short hair is cute but you have to rock it right

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

long hair womanly

short hair manly

there are the restraints society has taught us..

I don't agree, but whateva...

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

short hair is cute. long is sexy. imagine your cute short hairstyle with you wearing lingerie. then with long hair. the effect is totally different.

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

my hair ends at my chest....but i don't think it's long.......

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

i dont know :( im not a guy. but im guessing it has to do with sex. :)

i had long hair for a long time and i cut it off and HATED it and all the girls told me i looked nice and cute, some guys said it was cute, nobody said it was sexy, most people said i looked bad. but then it started to grow out a little and they started giving me more compliments about it, nows its half way down my neck I MISS MY HAIR :(.

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

Unconsciously, long, thick hair is a sign of health and fertility, hence a better mating partner, so men are bound to instincitvely find it more attractive. I personally dislike short hair on girls. Even if it suits a girl, they will always look better with more hair, no matter how attractive they are with short.

Why do guys think long hair on girls is sexier than short hair??

Either its seen and PLUMMAGE - Sign of Femininity?


Some genetic memory when men used to hit us over the head an drag us to the cave by our hair????

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