Monday, November 16, 2009

Sign here if you think girls with long hair are hot?

I've said it before and i'll say it again - women with long hair are damn sexy! i'd say 80% of all women with long hair are beautiful.

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DUDE! I hear ya loud and clear! I'm a "hair guy" too.

Nothing catches my eye faster than a gorgeous head of hair. I don't care if it is curly or straight, and I don't care what color it is, as long as it is natural, (meaning that it isn't purple, green, black, or some color that doesnt meet the girl...highlights are okay). I just like it long! Having said that, I must admit, I really like long, naturally curly hair the best. I don't care what anyone says, a woman is always more attractive with long hair.

However, there are many gorgeous girls with shorter hair out there. If a girl is gorgeous, she is gorgeous, no matter the length of her hair.

Once again, I am with you. Long hair is the best! I love hair!


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I am a girl!

i don't care!

Sign here if you think girls with long hair are hot?

I love long hair

Sign here if you think girls with long hair are hot?

10-4 on that

Sign here if you think girls with long hair are hot?

It depends on if her hair is just long or if she has pretty hair.

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and your right....there are some women who look good with short hair.....but long hair is just plain sexy....

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fu(k dat i got short hari and im beyon dhott im sexy and all these ni99as know --------------ya dig

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Does it matter long hair, short hair, highlight color hair, i like them for who they are, i am not judging them by there hair length so dont pick me as a favorite i am boy and a gentleman

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I am a girl to and I don't care either

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I agree long hair is sexy. But, there are some with short hair that are sexy.

Sign here if you think girls with long hair are hot?

Just how superficial can you be? Did you know that one of our recent Miss Americas actually had VERY short hair? She cut it off and donated it to Locks of Love, a charity that takes the hair donated and makes wigs for children who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy or other drugs that they have to take.

Grow up and get over yourself. There is more to a woman than her hair.

Sign here if you think girls with long hair are hot?

I agree..

Sign here if you think girls with long hair are hot?

it depends on how they look u *****.email me at if u have a problem with me that goes for anybody.

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