Friday, November 13, 2009

Is he gay bi or straight and does he like me ?

there is this boy i think he is gay because:

on msn he said tom is sexy ( thats me )

i asked him how he was and he said "GAY!"

i was sitting next to him in class in a circle and he started touching my hair then he nudged me and i nidged him back

everytime he sees me he says " hii Tom" but dont say it to anyone else .

and one of his friends is bi

i dont think he is because :

he has had a girlfriend

his myspace says he is straight ( but he would put that )

he hangs around with boys

he hasnt got a gay voice

he doesnt know im bi

i was talking to him on msn and he wernt desperate to talk to me like i am him


please answer truthfully , plus if i hint it to him about how i feel how should i do it ?

Is he gay bi or straight and does he like me ?

Well if you really feel that way then just tell him. If hes not a homophobe but hes straight he might just tell u hes not like that. If he is gay then ur home free. And then theres the chance where he punches u in the face. That could be a lot of straight mens first reactions. (maybe even mine) So just do it and forget about the consequences till afterwards.


Is he gay bi or straight and does he like me ?

It's possible he's bi.

My bf is bi and he has that he's straight on his myspace.

Is he gay bi or straight and does he like me ?

Maybe he is bi curious, or just exploring his sexuality, its normal when you're young to explore.

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