Friday, November 13, 2009

How do I tell my brother that he looks like a girl with long hair.?

OK, my brother has extremely long hair and he looks just like a girl. He said that girls think that long hair is sexier. Is this true?

How do I tell my brother that he looks like a girl with long hair.?

depends on the girls he hangs out with, but as someone that has a brother myself I find the direct approach best, tell him he looks like a homo and to get a haircut, he knows you love him so he wont be too pissed, may start a fight, but you're brothers come on!

How do I tell my brother that he looks like a girl with long hair.?

Girls think that long hair is sexier. Women like a clean cut man. Is your bro trying to get girls, or woman???

How do I tell my brother that he looks like a girl with long hair.?

Cut it in the night. Long o.k. but not to long

How do I tell my brother that he looks like a girl with long hair.?

Why do you concern yourself with this? It's his hair and his life. You can tell him that he looks like a girl, but it won't make a difference. When he's tired of his long hairstyle, he'll change it. In the meantime, leave him alone.

How do I tell my brother that he looks like a girl with long hair.?

YES! Well, for me it is anyways, lol.

Women have different taste, so not all women are going to like a man with long hair.

But I sure know I do!

How do I tell my brother that he looks like a girl with long hair.?

Orlando Bloom- long is sexy. Any guy who has longer hair than I do is just gross. Plus if they don't take care of it, its even worse.

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