Friday, November 13, 2009

Should I grow it out?

I am thinking about growing my hair longer. I was wondering what kind of styles there are for medium to long haired men. I was thinking about Ashton Kutcher long, maybe longer. Any advice on this subject would be appreciated.

I was just wondering, what kind of hairstyles do you guys think are sexy on another man? What would be attractive?

Should I grow it out?

Any man with hair under his shoulders looks sexy to me... I think though, that you should style your hair according to your face type... go to a stylist instead of a barber.

Should I grow it out?

uyhm, ask this in Social Science - Womens' studies

girls know more about attractive men.

Should I grow it out?

I would say to look at hot dudes but they all have sucky hair so turn to the in style stuff like the younger ones... Daniel Radcliffe in the 4th movie for Harry Potter maybe.

Should I grow it out?

I would say that hair style is vane. Most men are looking past the hair to something else no matter what the gender.

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