Friday, November 13, 2009

Does he really love me as much as did, before I was bald?

I started chemo-therapy on Novemver 11, 2005. Exactly 14 days later every bit of my hair has fallen out (slick like a baby's butt). He says it doesn't bother him, but I wonder. How sexy can that be to turn to face the woman you love and find her there BALD! Maybe he really doesn't mind, but i do.

Does he really love me as much as did, before I was bald?

If he truly loved you before, then he loves you even more now because he has realized that you don't need to look a certain way for him to love you. Of course you are self-conscious about the way you look (who wouldn't be?) but true love looks at the heart, not the outward appearance. And best wishes to you on your recovery.

Does he really love me as much as did, before I was bald?

I dont think he fell in love with your hair. It sounds like it is ok.

Good luck to you!

Does he really love me as much as did, before I was bald?

... and besides that, maybe looking at yourself you think the worst of how you look, but there can be something very sexy about a lady who's bald. Your husband loves you, and maybe he sees this.

Does he really love me as much as did, before I was bald?

Of course he loves you. If he didn't he wouldn't stick with you. You cant just stop loving someone from one day to another.

Does he really love me as much as did, before I was bald?

If he truly loves you...the baldness won't matter! Hopefully you know without a doubt that he does truly love you, so don't worry about it! You have enough on your mind, I'm sure. Hope you get well

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