Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

I have curly hair and, though it is more maintancance than straight hair, I love it. However, people often ask me why I never straighten it. I don't want to for two reasons.

1. I am convinced it would shock everyone for all the wrong reasons.

2. I don't want to conform to their opinion of what beautiful hair is.

Personally, I think that curly hair is exquisite, intricate, and delicate. Some people even think that curly hair is "sexy", I love my curly hair because it is so versatile. Also, curly hair is timeless. I feel like my hair needs work, but it is still beautiful. Why does no one else feel the way I do???

I would love to hear some opinions on this.

It really irritates all curly-headed girls when they are having a fantastic hair day and all their friends can say is "Why don't you ever straighten your hair?"


Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

because its whats fashionable at the moment, but believe me, curls are on their way back in, and soon. its like curvy women loving their curves, yet its popular to be skeletal at the moment so everyone starves themselves to be like the few naturally skinny models/celebs, and makes the healthy curvy women look like their out of the mainstream fashion. I like people who are willing to make statements. i make quite a few, but i look like a hypocrate because i straighten my hair and im really thin. Im a hairstylist and think your fantastic. You have more self confidence then i could ever have. Fashion is always changing, curls where big in the 80s and for hundreds of years before the 60's. all through the greek and roman times, the classical period, the romantic period, the victorian period.... all of them. it was cher who made super sleek hair popular in the 60s and it's phased in and out since then. but dont worry, your iron loving friends will switch camps in the next 1-2 years and be jealous of your rockin texture.

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

I like curly hair too, although my hair's natural texture is somewhere in between wavy and yucky, I love curling my hair!

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

i want curly hair sooo bad :( your a lucky girly :)

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

I love curly hair. I feel so unique and pretty with it. everyone straightens their hair, and then their hair is flat and boring. girls dont think for themselves anymore. curly hair is beautiful. i dont like straight hair and look better with curly hair.

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

Curly hair can be beautiful. It's the people who have curly hair who don't comb i and it looks messy and frizzy that makes it bad for everyone. If you take care of your curly hair then it looks cute and if people don't think so then screw them. Who cares what people think.

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

i love curly hair! .. i wish i had naturally curly hair instead of my pin straight hair that wont hold a curl for anything

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

It's not!

When I was little, I had the most CURLIEST hair ever. My mom told me that I always used to get compliments on it when I was little. Still, I sometimes wear my hair curly and get compliments on it.

You shouldn't do what people tell you to do. Be yourself.

I also find curly hair exquisite, intricate, delicate and sexy.

[[although I usually wear mine straight]]

They only time I don't find curly hair attractive is when they are all frizzy and messy. Also when they look the same as when they were in rollers, like you walk around with invisible curlers in your hair.

Sexy hair :);s...;s...

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

I love curly hair too!! One time I showed up to school with a perm and everyone who saw me said "What did you do to your hair?!?"

But I don't know. You could ask them, it's their opinion :)

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

omg i love curly hair

it is so cute and natural

as long as u have it tamed so to speak lol

although i rly like straight i always have loved curly hair

especially wen its long

dont let others tell u differently

i love it!


Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

i like curly hair

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

i love curly har but my hair is naturaly wavy and when i curl it

it will only last for 3 hours so i straigten it and it last all day!

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

My best friend has evry curly hair. However, she straightens it everyday. It's damaged and it's not as pretty as it is when it's curly.

I've told her millions of times she looks gorgeous with curly hair but nooooo.

Whatever. Her own choice.

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

I don't think curly hair is ugly at all! You're so lucky! My hair is stupid and wavy, and I would LOVE for it to curl up. My mom's hair was wavy until she was 18, and then it started growing in curly (for some crazy reason), so I figure I still have a chance. Crossing my fingers on that one.

It's a classic look, which pin straight hair will never be. That being said I love straight hair too, but curly is gorgeous. Whoever tells you it's ugly is wrong. Don't straighten your hair if you like it how it is! Very few people like their own hair, so consider yourself lucky.

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

i don't think so.

it's pretty :]

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

I love curly hair! When people say "why don't you ever straighten your hair" maybe they just want to see what it would look like...

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

I tottaly understand! I have thick curly hair.When ever i wear it like nature intended everyones like "omg did you get a perm?you should really straighten it" So now, in order to fit in i have to waste money on an expenxive straightener and hairspray and 30 minutes every day. I love my hair curly and i think its beautiful but society is not ready for it yet. Hopefully the straight hair fad will blow over. And when it does everyone will be jealous of us!

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

Whats wrong with curly hair? I personally have straight hair but i would love to have naturally curly/wavy hair. I try so hard to get my hair curled nice. Taylor Swift is just one example of gorgeous curly hair.

Why does everyone think that curly hair is ugly????????

i like loose wavy curls but like curly curly not so much

but i kno wat your talking about how like everybody asks u why u never straighten it cuz my hair is wavy and it pisses me off when ppl are like u should straighten your hair and guys are like oh id think u where pretty if u straighten ur hair ( =

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