Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why do so many females have hair on their armpits and above their lips?

It's the nastiest thing ever. It could make the most ******** of girls unfuckable. Sometimes the sexiest and flyest of gurlz be having underarm hair. Don't they know how disgusting that is? But they still have to wear their little tank tops and show off their body hair. There also be a lot of older (30s-60s) ladies with full mustaches. I could understand if it was an extremely old woman but these 30-60 year olds have no excuse. I want every woman and adolescent girl who is reading this question to check themselves. If you got a mustache or any body hair shave it immediately.

p.s.- A little pubic hair is sexy to me. Just make sure it's not out of control.

Why do so many females have hair on their armpits and above their lips?

lol you looking at the wrong ones.....some girls just like to get down like

me i don't think so

Why do so many females have hair on their armpits and above their lips?

When a woman reaches around 30 her estrogen levels begin to drop and if she's got skin that's sensitized to testosterone AND has moderate to high testosterone levels, her hormone balance shifts towards testosterone-dominated.

Most guys are OK about women with, for example, a slight moustache.

Facial (and also body) hair on women comes about in the same way as on men because of

1)the body being sensitized, before she was even born, to testosterone -- doesn't happen to all girls, but does to many

2) her body producing high levels of testosterone

The growth rate and coarseness of the hair depends on just how much testosterone is circulating in her bloodstream.

It's perfectly natural for a woman to grow a moustache -- whether she chooses to remove it is up to her. You can always choose the more feminine women or those who remove their moustache.

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