Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do i sound sexy to you?

im real dark skinned. i have a slim body. alittle flat chest but not really. a beautiful smile, a nice butt,big browneyes. mediam length hair(brown). sexy abs(fo real)

Do i sound sexy to you?

that is true defination of sexy

Do i sound sexy to you?

not really

Do i sound sexy to you?

maybe if i was a guy

Do i sound sexy to you?

You know that feeling you get when you throw up a little in the back of your mouth? I just got that.

Do i sound sexy to you?

sort of...but are u 12 years old?

Do i sound sexy to you?

Mmm sexy its about feeling not looks or sounds, if you feel sexy and if you are happy with yourself then you are sexy, if you feel miserable then you are, is just how you feel...

Do i sound sexy to you?

sounds pretty hot to me

but i would need to see you

all tht sounds good but maybe i dont like wut ur face looks like or w/e idk

but ya sounds hot to me

Do i sound sexy to you?

As sexy as a puddle of concrete..

Do i sound sexy to you?

dont care just wanted 2 points.

Do i sound sexy to you?

send me your picture and I'll know for sound hot.

Do i sound sexy to you?

you sound kinda cute, and i am a guy

Do i sound sexy to you?


Do i sound sexy to you?

yeah you sound really nice! I am jealous you can have abs. I'm all wobbly from eating chickens and having kids, but find yourself a nice man who will have respect for you and treat you nice

Do i sound sexy to you?

honestly, you haven't described "sexy" or even beauty. what you've described could still be an ugly person, fo real. all that could be going on w/ an ugly face. plus, "sexy" is not all about looks anyway. it's about how someone carries themselves, so ... to answer your ?? no, you don't "sound sexy."

Do i sound sexy to you?

sorry but i a female juss needed 2 lil points

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