Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What is the sexiest hair color?

platinum white or jet black....or both!

What is the sexiest hair color?


What is the sexiest hair color?

i have tried many, but my natural blonde seems to be the best for me, my hubby likes it the best, say the other colors are fun, but beauty is a natrual thing.

What is the sexiest hair color?


What is the sexiest hair color?

SHINY LONG BLACK HAIR---- like what the asian gurls have.... =)

What is the sexiest hair color?

statistically most guys would say BLONDE

What is the sexiest hair color?

bright and shiny red. Very rare.

What is the sexiest hair color?

It depends on the person you're asking, for one it could be blonde, for another black.. but it all depends on who you ask, cause after all we're all unique and have different tastes in everything.

What is the sexiest hair color?

black on olive skin. just like me!!! hot stuff

What is the sexiest hair color?

dirty blonde

What is the sexiest hair color?

Hmmm bald men is hot. Dark redheaded women are amazing too :)

What is the sexiest hair color?

blonde is so dead! jet black is more sexy.

What is the sexiest hair color?

I think natural redheads are the sexiest........ actually, all natural colours are sexy. fake hair colour makes you look like a fake person

What is the sexiest hair color?

RED. especially if it's natural

What is the sexiest hair color?

i think a really light brunnette, almost blonde

What is the sexiest hair color?


What is the sexiest hair color?

That is a matter of personal preference, but to me it is hair so black it looks blue in some lights. Match that with blue or green eyes and... oh well, I can't say that here.

What is the sexiest hair color?

any hair color or even bald if the person wearing it is comfortable then they will project sexiness

What is the sexiest hair color?

ok...any shade of Brown....with some Blonde Strikes.....

should do just dandy....doggystyle......ok................

What is the sexiest hair color?

burgundy, if ur skin color is dark

blonde, if ur skin color is white

What is the sexiest hair color?

Brunette with hi lights

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