Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

ok..i have a great idea for a Payless Shoestore photoshoot, and i'm wondering if feminists think it's offensive.

it has a woman with a whip and 9 inch heels from Payless, and she is pulling the hair of another woman who is on a couch laying down with her feet propped up showing HER 9 inch heels, and she is holding handcuffs. and a man almost nude is stepping on the woman on the couch, with his sneakers.

i think this is a very cool, fun and sexy idea, and i'm wondering what feminists think about it, if it IS offensive or NOT offensive.

your thoughts?

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

Hey, sounds alright to me. Only if I get to wear a leather catsuit as well.

Edit: lol Anti, and those peeps who thumbsed me down thought I was actually being serious about it being ok.

But it's just that on-going thing hey with the catsuit and whip? :P

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

Sounds interesting, but I don't think it'll go over well in puritanical America.

edit: Actually, Hiiiiiii, when I said "interesting", I didn't mean that it sounded good. Just sayin'.

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

What we think is irrelevant because Payless would never go for such a thing. Is there some kind of porno shoe company you could pitch your idea to? That might be better.

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

I can tell you advertising is not in your future.

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

How dare you think that payless has heels that high?!

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

Yeah, it's pretty offensive and a bit disturbing. It's not something you'd want to use for an ad. Women, and more importantly, children shop at Payless.

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

My thoughts are that 9 inch heels are definitely a "guy" fantasy, and most women would know that you don't find those at Payless. I think women will find it offensive.

Of course if the two women were men wearing heels, it would have significant entertainment value.

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

I think you have been grossly misled as to what demographic shops at Payless shoe stores...

That ad would not go over well with them...

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

LMAO payless does not sell fetish shoes and who wears their sneakers???? You'd be better off pitching this to Fredricks of Hollywood or something but I don't think they have tv ads. No I don't find it insulting though-but a little confusing

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

Payless does not even sell 9 inch heels.

It is impossible to walk in 9 inch heels.

Models who wear 5 inch heels have to be propped up against a wall so I think heels this tall are useless.

And yes it is offensive mainly because the guy is stepping on the woman and he gets to wear sneakers.

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

Um, not to be rude, but I don't think that would go over well. I don't have a problem with it, but I'm sure there would be others who do.

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

Gee, have you considered a career in advertising? That's pure genius!


I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

It may work for Fredrick's of Hollywood, but I don't think Payless sells nine inch heels.

Leslie, I think he means the ones that have platforms in the toe/ball of the these:

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

What do you care what feminists think?

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

It would work if Payless was 100% less wholesome than it already is 閳?and if all advertising copywriters were as warped as you.

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

I think that it isn't appropiate for a ad, I would consider it offensive.

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

ah, time to walk the cat ~

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

You missed the whole 1990s in advertising in Australia, didn't you?

If you'd been here, you'd have gone past that billboard every day on the intersection of Lackey Street and Old Canterbury Road, Summer Hill.

Or one just like it. Hmmm, now I come to think of it, the one at Summer Hill had a dog in it, not a guy.

Oh well, keep trying, you might have an original thought ONE day!

Cheers :-)

I'm wondering what feminists think of my great idea??

I think you're one of the most sexist fools I've encountered on this forum.

Shivers - Let me assist with that idea of yours ;o)

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