Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ladies, what is the sexiest hair color...and why?

I like dark brown but it also depends on the guy like some look good with blonde hair others look better with darker hair.

Ladies, what is the sexiest hair color...and why?

personally, i think its black n chocolate. Why? it looks natural.

Ladies, what is the sexiest hair color...and why?

i prefer light brown hair

Ladies, what is the sexiest hair color...and why?

Dark brown or black hair. And I don't really know why. I tend to go for pale skin, so maybe it's the contrast I like.

Ladies, what is the sexiest hair color...and why?

it all depends on the taste of the person. we are all fine just the way we are and there is always someone out there who is going to love you as yourself so it doesn't really matter what is the sexiest hair color. as long as you're yourself.

Ladies, what is the sexiest hair color...and why?


Ladies, what is the sexiest hair color...and why?

It depends. Different hair colors look good on different men. I like shoulder lengh straight or slightly wavy black hair, or red hair.looks good on guys with fair skin.

Ladies, what is the sexiest hair color...and why?

lol it depends..i think usually 4 me dark brown or black...i like emos:)

Ladies, what is the sexiest hair color...and why?

dark brown

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