Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

I have really long hair and i think it makes me look too childish would going short look more sophisticated or have the opposite effect. I just wanna know short hair is more attractive than long??!%26lt;3

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

Short hair will make you look older, and if you rock it with tons of confidence instead of hiding behind long locks, then sure it is sexier!

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

My experience with most guys is no... they love long hair because it's feminine, sexy, and they can wrap it around their fingers. If you think it's too childish, talk to your hair dresser about pumping your hair with some layers and adding an angle up front to frame your face.

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

I think if you have the right face features and bone structure short can look really good, but if not, stick to what looks good on you not baised on what is sexier!

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

Looked great on Elaine Benis of Seinfeld!!

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

it depends on umm how you wear it that's what i think

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

I spose it depends on the shape of your face and what would suit you best.

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

I used to have long hair and then I got it cut really short. Now everyone says how sexy I am and how older I look (in my case that's good).

Really it depends on the shape of your head, but I say go for it.

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

it depends on your face, your bone structure , ur chin etc

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

short hair on women make them look younger...

ask you hairdresser what they would recommend as not all women suit having a short haircut Plus are you really ready for the change????

good luck in your decision

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

well I am an "old timer" and very much prefer long hair on a woman ... but that is my opinion

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

Sexy is in the eye of the beholder....try will grow out..

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

i dont think its sexier, but maybe short hair will look good on u...ask ur hairdresser

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

I think short hair is edgier while long hair has an elegance to it. Personally though I like short hair. Maybe a little below my shoulders.

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

if its straight and weighs down your head, then it will look kinda childish. But if you have layers and an angle then it will look great... Also try shortening it to about 4 inches past your shoulders... its the perfect length.

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

Keep your hair long...its WAY sexier. If you think it looks childish, get layers, side bangs, etc. to spice it up. Short hair usually looks more childish than long, and less sexy.

Keep it long and flowing, girl!

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

Your avatar shows a male so I was surprised by the answerers answers. I guess gender doesn't matter; long or short, either can be very sexy, just keep it clean.

Is short hair sexier than long hair??

Well, short hair does make you look older, but in a bad way. You dont want to look like youre in your thirties or something. Long hair is very attractive %26amp; makes most girls look very sexy.

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