Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I need your help....................?

if you got black straight silky hair waist length , n wanna change ur hairstyle without cutting it short wat wud u do.Also if urslightly plump and short how would you dress to look glamourous n sexy? If you got oily skin what kinda make up wud u wear.what kinda make up compliments dark eyes?

I need your help....................?

combat two of the most common problems that accompany oily skin: pimples, and shine.

If you have oily skin, we have some good news and some bad news for you. First, the bad news. People with oily skin have more of a tendency to develop pimples, blackheads and whiteheads, as you probably already know. In addition, your face starts shining due to the oil, making it look dull and dirty. Now for the good news. The excessive oil keeps your skin more elastic, so you will develop wrinkles at a later age than your friends with dry skin will.

This is a basic guide to what you can do to combat two of the most common problems that accompany oily skin.


One of the most common causes for the formation of pimples is blocked pores. People with oily skin are more likely to have blocked pores, and so, are more likely to have pimples. Your best bet in this case would be simply to wash your face often, with a face wash for oily skin. Clean and Clear by Johnson and Johnson is fairly effective in this regard. How often you should wash your face differs from person to person. A good rule of thumb would be to wash it with a face wash at least 2 times a day 閳?once in the morning, and once at night, before turning in. If you are in an air-conditioned cabin the entire day, then you need not wash your face more than required, and stick to the once in the morning and once at night rule. If you exercise, whether your face is oily or not, wash your face also as soon as you are done with your workout. Wash it at the gym itself, and don閳ユ獩 wait until you get home, because the perspiration will dry on your face, causing pimples. Similarly, if you travel by public transport and are exposed to a lot of dirt, pollution and warm, humid air, try and wash your face during mid-day as well, bringing it to a total of 3 to 4 times a day. Remember though, if you wash your face more than three times a day, use a gentler face wash like Dove, or wash it just with water.


How should you get rid of the shine that accompanies an oily face? The best thing would be to splash water on your face as soon as it starts looking oily, and wipe it gently with a towel or tissue. You could also wash your face with a gentle face wash when it starts looking oily, but, once again, don閳ユ獩 use a face wash more than 4 times a day, as this may cause your skin to produce more oil.

However, washing your face during the day may not be very convenient, since you may not have ready access to a washroom. Or, you may have applied make up, and would not want go through the procedure of re-applying all the make-up after washing your face. In this case, consider simply wiping your face with an absorbent face tissue. Carry tissue with you in your bag at all times 閳?it always comes in handy.

If you are satisfied with the lack of shine after wiping your face with tissue, great! If not, then consider carrying a compact powder case with you. Dab on the compact powder lightly, making sure it blends well. The compact powder should not be visible as your face will then look caked, and you will look older, and may even look a little haggard. Your compact powder may cause pimples too at times, so if you find your pimples increasing after applying compact, stop using your current brand, and try another brand after a few weeks.

To avoid any problems with compact powder usage, the best thing to do would be to remove the compact powder as soon as you get home with the help of a face wash or a cleanser. Also, never apply old compact powder on your face.

Use oil-free cosmetics as far as possible. Also, apply an oil-free moisturizer even if you have oily skin, as long as your skin is problem free. Although many beauticians feel that moisturizer is a must at all times, I would recommend that you lay off the moisturizer if you have pimples, until your face is clear.

I need your help....................?

Stay the way you are. You look good

I need your help....................?

Just be a good person n guess what people will like u more than a good lookin person...Remember beauty is skin deep...

I need your help....................?


If you wanna change your hair a bit, put some streaks in it.

Oily Skin:

Use a good product like Witch or Clean and Clear moisturiser that has no oils or alcohol in it.

You can also apply a powder foundation to get rid of shine.

If you wanna look slimmer, don't wear shorts or knee length shorts, wear bell bottomed trousers/jeans that are a dark colour like indigo or black.

As for the top half, wear darker shades, nothing with loads of patterns as this draws attention to you.

Maybe a nice, boho style top, one that fits but is meant to look baggy.

Go for natural colours or black (not white as this makes you look even bigger)

Hope this helps!

I need your help....................?

Keep the long silky hair, maybe not quite as long, and being a little plump is okay, if your okay with it, nothing worse than a girl that is a little over weight complaining all the time about her weight. Not sure on the makeup but on clothing, start with nothing and we can work from their.

I need your help....................?

have nice cut from the frotn will give whole new look

I need your help....................?

sweetheart i dont know about the hair or the skin... but i am short and plump and my legs are my best asset so i play to them and wear a lot of skirts... dont be afraid to wear colors that's where most ppl go wrong... where jeans that fit dont go baggy just cause you are plump. accent your out fits by wearing heels.. females need heels that's as feminine is you can get. you cant be glamorous w/o your nails and toes done. and where matching under wear.. even though you are the only one who knows , it gives you a swagger. Be confident nothing is more sexy. Good Luck!

I need your help....................?

As far as your hair goes. I wouldnt do bangs. What if you tried to layer it slightly. Not a dramatic effect. But layer the back a little and have a little in the front. if you have a plump face I would definately layer the back. have it half up or just have it relax out and it will compliment your face nicely. Use a little bit lighter eye make up for the eyes. makes them stand out more... as far as the the skin. Try a powder foundation. creamy foundations have a tendency to bring out more oil from your pours. Hope this helps.

I need your help....................?


I have a same hair style. I like to curl it sometimes or just use a hairpiece to put it up in a bun, it can be very sexy to show your skin and shoulders.

I also like to use brown for eye make-up. Milani what I like. I put a little light brown on the eyes, and as you go out, put darker brown. You can also use short eye lashes, what can make your eyes look stronger.

The best make up, when you can't tell, that you wearing any. Just be natural and beautiful!

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