Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why do white girls tan and say that they don't like their white pale skin when actually it'

yeah i've seen some white girls that have skin that looks pale.. or stuff like that.. but Many others have awesome white skin that looks so sexy and smooth, and not at all pale or ugly. And actually many of the ones that tan are the ones that originally have beautiful skin,,,, so why they make such excuses? I guess it's TV or the media.. cause let me tell you girls, you have beautiful skin already, and if you don't, who cares?? it's your naturall hair and tanning just makes it worse.

Why do white girls tan and say that they don't like their white pale skin when actually it's beautiful?

Because that want to be orange! They don't like their skin color and they think being orange is attractive and will get a boy's attention! Well 90% of the time it doesn't! That's why I'm glad I'm already tan because if i was a white girl I'm sure I'll be in love with my skin and not spend $800 every week just to be tanned! Bunch of retarded...

Why do white girls tan and say that they don't like their white pale skin when actually it's beautiful?

Because they're morons. All skin looks nice if it isn't all leathery from excessive tanning.

Why do white girls tan and say that they don't like their white pale skin when actually it's beautiful?

50 yrs of Coppertone propaganda

Why do white girls tan and say that they don't like their white pale skin when actually it's beautiful?

Media, marketing, racism. Take your pick. Low self esteem. Critical nonsensical parents.

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