Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Men::::::::what is the sexiest hair on a woman?

what is the sexiest? Long, short, brown natural, highlighted, permed, blonde, pixie, what is best? one length? long layers?

Men::::::::what is the sexiest hair on a woman?

In my opinion: Long hair (layered or single length) and a color preferably found in nature.

Men::::::::what is the sexiest hair on a woman?


Men::::::::what is the sexiest hair on a woman?

well i am not a guy but at school the boys are attracted to me and i have breast length hair and it is brown and highlited.

Men::::::::what is the sexiest hair on a woman?


Men::::::::what is the sexiest hair on a woman?

i think long thick curls. yet im a girl.

Men::::::::what is the sexiest hair on a woman?

it's just what you think, esspecially desire..

Men::::::::what is the sexiest hair on a woman?

Black, breast/shoulder length, straight-down.


pulled back

1 comment:

  1. I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^
