Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Men... women with short hair?

There are heaps of questions and answers where guys say long hair is sexier and better in bed and where short hair is masculine but what about in betweens such as the bob? Surely that's feminine and it can be flirty, sexy, and professional. Is that considered unfeminine - cos I don't see any men out there wearing bobs..... what are your thoughts on this and when hair becomes 'boy' short...

Men... women with short hair?

If you want a bob hairstyle, then go for it. Don't let someones opinion get to you. Its your hair and your the one wearing it :)

Men... women with short hair?

For me, anything shorter than the cheek becomes risky.

And she'd have to be able to pull it off. Y'know, cute face and all.

Men... women with short hair?

I prefere short hair, long hair gets in the way too much! lol

Men... women with short hair?


Men... women with short hair?

i prefer medium length hairs as tey r i depends on personal prefeence,how u carry it,does it suit u?

Men... women with short hair?


well, as for my taste, for women,

i would say, i really do adore beautiful

bob-hairstyles on women..

with a bob-style, you have both: longer and

shorter hair all-in-one.. perfect solution!


Men... women with short hair?

It is stereotypical short hair suits some girls better than long but I girl is still a girl even if her hair is super short aka "boy" short. I just happen to prefer very long hair. I think some of this "longer hair is sexier" mentality that some men have comes form the fact that "super models" have long hair. I actually don't care for "super models' to much. It does sound nutty but I think that this the reason for some of the opinion. The "bob" can be look very good on some women though.

Saying that women can't have short hair is like saying a man can't have long hair. People should have whatever hair they want whether it is super short or super long because it is their hair. People should do what they want and not what is expected.

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