Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I have a great boyfriend that I love to death. We are together day in and day out. The only time we

is when he goes to bed however I have been finding some signs that I dont like. First he lives with his aunt and uncle and their 3 kids. A few weeks ago his cousin told me she found a condom downstairs. The thing is shes always trying to break us up and she usually doesn't go down there. Second sign is on my friends myspace he put that she was sexy which he says they joke around like that and I dont know I havent talked to my friend and they met at a different time then Derek and I. The third sign is he gave me a hair tie that was in his room {its not a room but theres a table tv and some other for him in this room that when others want they can go there} that wasnt mine. The fourth sign is that when I was doing our jeans I found a size 0 pair of jeans. The 5th is that his cousin threw out this army jacket that was not his says it was Dereks and then I ask him about it and its a girl but supposedly his aunts nieces and belongs to his uncle the others might be his cousin. Is he cheating

I have a great boyfriend that I love to death. We are together day in and day out. The only time we seperate?

This sounds very sketchy to me. I would be concerned if I were in the same situation. It sounds like bad news to me. But like other people have said confront your boyfriend. Tell him what you told all of us and see what he has to say about it. His family may be trying to get you two to break up. You say that you guys are together all the time so it would be hard for him to sneak around. But talk to him about it and if he cannot give you reasonable explanations then get rid of him. I'm a little concerned about the whole myspace episode. The other signs may have been set up but this one he did on his own. If he truly cared about you he wouldn't tell one of your friends she was sexy. You need to be in a healthy relationship and it sounds to me like there are some issues going on. If all else fails, suggest that he moves out of aunts house if at all possible. But it may be best if you two took a break, that way if it were meant to be he would come back to show you how much you really mean to him. Good luck!!

I have a great boyfriend that I love to death. We are together day in and day out. The only time we seperate?

I think 2 signs are enough, and you have 5. Move on.

I have a great boyfriend that I love to death. We are together day in and day out. The only time we seperate?

Looks like there are plenty of signs of him cheating

I have a great boyfriend that I love to death. We are together day in and day out. The only time we seperate?

either he is cheating or his cousin is setting him up. just ask him....

I have a great boyfriend that I love to death. We are together day in and day out. The only time we seperate?

have you confronted him about it?

if not, do that.

but it sounds like he's cheating to me.

I have a great boyfriend that I love to death. We are together day in and day out. The only time we seperate?

wow idk know. firsst off-what kind of friend do you have that they joke around like that? second-maybe al that stuff-the hair tie, the 0 jeans maybe they are his cousins, like you said she wants you two to break up. but i read your story and at first glimpse i would say, yes he is. but ASK HIM. sounds fishy to me

I have a great boyfriend that I love to death. We are together day in and day out. The only time we seperate?

The best thing to do is trust your instinct. Other than that, sit tight and let things unravel. dont let anyone make a fool out of you and remember you are allowed to make mistakes. People who try to break you up are just jealous and this is a common problem. Just be strong and expect the worst but dont let it control how you act around him. Good luck!

I have a great boyfriend that I love to death. We are together day in and day out. The only time we seperate?

Well, the signs are definitely there, but step back and take in the ENTiRE situation. It sounds as if his cousin is setting him up, since you say she's always doing things to try and break you two up. Those could've been HER jeans, HER jacket, HER hair tie, and she could've just been saying that she found a condom in his room. You need to confront him, and let him know that you're not joking when you say that you need to hear nothing but the truth. Be understanding, and your heart should tell you what to do next. %26lt;3

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