Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"...guy is gay (results)" MY DESICION?


How to tell if a guy is gay ( again )?

i go to music on wednesday's and there is a boy there. He is a skater and he has meduim lengh hair. i talk to him quite alot , and i talk to him on myspace and msn. i fancie him ( im bi sexual ) but i dont know what his sexuallity is . on his myaspace it says straight but of course he would put that. he hangs around with lads so thats one thing that makes me thinks hes not gay or bi but one of his mates is bi sexual and he hangs around with his friends . anyway on msn he said to me "tom is sexy" for no reason at all infact we was on about when our next music lesson is after the holodays and then he says that then he signs off msn :S ... pelase help me !!!!!

plus he has had a girlfirend that i know of but i dont know anymore .... plus i jus asked his how he is and he saiid " GAY!"


thank you everyone who answered all of my questions

i have decided to jus hint it to him and see what happens from there. i might post with what happend

"...guy is gay (results)" MY DESICION?

I still say you should just suck his penis.

"...guy is gay (results)" MY DESICION?


"...guy is gay (results)" MY DESICION?

I'm not gay but lot of gay guys are attracted to me. I've gone to gay night clubs (great place to meet women btw) and when I'm there, they would just ask "are you straight?"

I think a direct question like that will resolve the issue one and for all.

"...guy is gay (results)" MY DESICION?

Why do you keep posting the same question? I think you're obsessive.

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